Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dear fredford,

For you who don't know I have taken the liberty of naming my camera. Fredford. Fredford is possibly the best boyfriend I've ever had. He never leaves me and never disappoints! He's waterproof, freezeproof, and shockproof! He's technically superman. There is ONE problem. I feel me and Freddy have moved in this relationship way to fast. I'm clingy. I never put him down and he's always with me. If not, I freak. I stay up late in the nights discovering all his new features. There is one I just can't get enough of. So dear Fredford please show the people how awesome your panoramic pictures can be, please and thanks.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh sweet obsessions.

Dear Bloggery.
There are three things I've been obsessed with this past week.
#1. Sock Buns. It's blasphemous. Putting a sock in your hair? Why yes, it can be done. Oh and it can be a fashion statement.
#2. The super giant super fake diamond earrings. Mine are from the good old classy Wal-mart.

And #3. GET AIR. Probably the funnest place in the world. It's next to sports plex and there are just a million trampolines. Then there's pits that you can jump off the trampolines into. Full of foam squares. It truly is so much fun.

My weekend was pretty eventful.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It wouldn't be a New Years if it didn't have REGRETS.

Hello my fellow bloggers.
I have not yet succumbed to the addiction of blogging, but I like memories and who uses pen and paper these days? Well it's a new year bringing new hopes, losses, memories and most of all those infamous regrattable "Oh shit" moments. One of my top ten moments would have to be, texting my mom a text that was supposed to go to my friend. Of course the text couldn't be just a nonchalont, "Oops" text oh no! That'd be to easy, this was one of those "NEVER let your mother see this text under no circumstance messages." Let's just say there was a bit of yelling on her part and a bit of stupidity on mine. It's been a hard year with one of my best friends moving a whole forty minutes away, you know how that is. My best friends Brookes' dad passed away and one of my very best friends did also. It's been hard and frustratingly confusing, but i figure I've grown up a lot in the past year. I'm ready for 2012!